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Sunday, October 28, 2007


I really like how Richard Hutten's website is designed. The opening page has pieces he's designed changing into different forms. Then when you actually go to a page, lets say furniture, each piece just shows the contour with no color. Until, you place the mouse over the piece, then the color of it appears. I think this is really interesting, and it gets your attention. Not to mention his designs are sweet.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the most innovated architects ever. He has designed and created tons of influential buildings in the world. Including the Prairie Home, the Imperial hotel in Tokyo, 1923, Falling water at Bear Run, PA 1939, and the Solomon Guggenheim Museum, NYC, New York 1959. In his lifetime he built over 300 houses. I really like Wright because he practiced what is known as Organic Architecture. I admire him because he focused on the relationship of the site, the building, and the client. I think some designers, design just what they want, or just what the client wants, and not both.

Falling waters

Falling waters, is possibly one of the most known buildings in the country. Just as Frank Lloyd Wright is probably the most well known designers in the country. Falling waters was designed in 1935 for the Kauffman family of Pittsburgh, Pa. The house sits over Bear Run, and has a series of cantilevered trays made of some Pottsville sandstone. What I really love about this building is that the floor space is evenly split between outdoors and indoors. This is especially interesting because the nature of the area is so beautiful and I really love how Wright incorporated the beauty of the nature into the building.

Richard Hutten

Also in the Nov. 2007 issue is an article on Richard Hutten. I choose him as a designer I really admire, because he stresses the fact that he makes things to be used. He doesn't care when people send him pictures of his products being used. One of his most famous pieces is the Dumbo mug. He sold over 100,ooo of them for about 10 euros, it's said to be the "most expensive plastic cup." His designs are very modern and look like they shouldn't be touched but good thing about them, is that they can be used.


In the November 2007 issue of dwell they had a section on F2. F2 is a glassware company designed by Marilyn and Peter Frank. I really love their work, and when I can afford it, i'll definitely buy it. F2 crafts are original mouth blown pieces, they range from single bloom vases to hanging light fixtures. Every piece is so unique and I always have respect for designers that can create something so unique in a different way.
The living room of Javier Barba's home on the island of Mykonos. The owner really likes old wood and I think Barba did a really good job in incorporating old wood in the Xian Dynasty doors and not hard wood floors like most homes.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

hate shading

i liked this one, it actually turned out semi decent
i am not proud of this

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Javier Barba

This Green home sits on the north side of the Aegean island of Mykonos. It was designed by Javier Barba. I particularly enjoy this house because it blends in well with the natural surroundings yet, sticks out from them at the same time. I like how he incorporated traditional elements of the island's building idiom. This includes the white washed stuccoed walls, and flat roofs. The only thing I don't particurly like about this building is that it's not particurly inviting. The walls are very hard materials and everything sort of blends together making only the shape stand out.

Monday, October 22, 2007

This is John Houshmand's Treacherous Beauty from collection 03. It's 3/4" starfire open glass box low table with Black Walnut slabs. I find this table interesting because it combines a hard material with a soft material very well. I really like how you can see the individual pieces of wood clearly enough to make out their rugged shapes, and cuts.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Friday, October 12, 2007


This is the project leaning more toward's Eriko. I choose her pencil box because I really liked the taller pieces on the end and all the color's really created a strong contrast.

This is a mixture of both Eriko and chelsea's project. I took the dividing from Eriko's project. I really like how the two end pieces kind intersected the other ones. The white box is from chelsea's and the stripes are also from Eriko's. Her lines on the bottom helped carry your eye.

This is the link for Chelsea's blog. I decided to use her memory project. I thought it was neat how the boxes were stuck at random places. I however didn't want to stick a bunch of boxes together so I cut grooves in the box to resemble the lines clearly seen in her project.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Self Portrait

For my self portrait I choose to draw portraits that really portrayed my personality and physical state. I chose to draw my ankle with the crushed bones, also my promise ring from my bf, and other several poses of my face.

What Makes Studio Studio?

I really like my two page layout. I think that learning all sorts of design including graphic design is important in our major.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

bad memories

I really liked this project simply because my memory is one that has had both a physical and mental impact on me. My memory was from July 3, 2007 I was on my way home from the movies when I was hit head on by a drunk driver. She had a .28 alcohol level and cocaine in her system. She died and my boyfriend and I were life lined to Hershey Medical Center, in PA. I was driving a 01 Hyundai Tiburon, and I broke both my ankles, my left femur, and my right wrist. I spent three weeks in the hospital and have been in a wheel chair for almost 4 months. The poles are same ones the were screwed into my right leg to hold my shin bone in place with my ankle. That ankle is the worst it was shattered in 15 pieces. I wanted to create something that would hold my poles and the memory of being so uncomfortable and learning how to move again with them in. My purpose was to make the viewer feel uncomfortable with all the really sharp lines poles, so if I did that then I accomplished my mission.