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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Scaled Figures everywhere!

These next images are ones that I did outside of class. Some of them turned out good, others not so much.

Last Thursday in class, we expeirimented with scaled figures. I find that if i pay too much attention to the little details my drawings don't come out as good as they do if I just pay attention to the positions and angles of the person's body. These first two pages are ones we did in class.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Stylized Drawings

My last drawing is also by Mike Lin. It's an example of Pointillism. This is actually one of my fav. techniques of shading/ hatching. However I don't like how long it takes to do it.

Second Stylized drawing also by Mike Lin. This is an example of a Regular pencil drawing. I actually really enjoyed this. at first all of it was a light pencil but then I went back with a darker pencil and gave it some umph.

These are my fav. stylized drawings. The first one was found in Mike W. Lin's book Drawing and Designing With Confidence. I really enjoy drawing furniture so that's why I chose this style. However, I didn't do as well in my own. I need to work on perspective for this drawing a little more.

Drink and Draw....not Drink and Drive

I went to Tate St. Coffee to do my drink and draw assignment. This is my first one. I did all my drawings in light pencil, and for this one I went back and did it in darker pencil.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Scaled Figures that I like

My last example is of Ching's Design Drawing book. I think it's a good example of one point perspectives in a space. Also I like how the figure is still contour but they show the shirt and hat, and what not.
I chose to put this on my blog because I think it's a good example of putting multiple figures in a community building/space. It also shows how the figures would interact with each other in that space. The drawing is of the East Harlem Preschool in New York City.
This scaled figure is prob. my fav. of the ones I found. The drawing's title is Vista, it's based on a sketch by Le Corbusier for the design of the Ministry of National Education and Public Health in Rio de Janeiro. The figure almost looks out of place with the rest of the picture. However I really enjoy how it has that messy type of look, but it's successful in that look.
This is also from Ching's Architecture book. I really enjoy how the scaled figures are shaded with the space. You can tell the difference and the presence of the figure. Most scaled figures are either totally black or white, so it's nice to see an example of one that's shaded. It's almost like the figure's a ghost.
My first example of scaled figures comes from Ching's Architecture: form, space, and order. I chose this one because I like how it shows how the scaled figures interact with the space when the depth of the depressed field changes.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Patterns with a tool

Finally pattern 15 was taken from pattern 9 also. However, i only took the half moon shapes and cut them.
Pattern 14 is taken from pattern 9. I cut pulled and twisted all parts of this.
Pattern 13 was taken from Pattern 8. I took the shapes and pulled them to deform them. I also took the black background and pulled that into some of the new shapes in pattern 13.
Pattern 12 was also taken from pattern 7. Instead of compressing it however, I twisted it. By doing this the perfect circles would be deformed and the outer string would be twisted to the outside.
Pattern 11 was taken from pattern 7. I experimented with what would happen if i took pattern and compressed four corners together.

These six patters were designed from what I thought was my top three original patterns: 7, 8, & 9. We had to choose a tool and use what that tool could be used for in our next 6 patterns. I choose a plier. This plier could pull, cut, twist, and compress. Pattern 10 (directly above) was taken from Pattern 8. I took the pattern and cut it, leaving some of the pieces in the same spot, and others were moved to another spot.


The next 6 patterns are ones that i developed from the first three. Some are more successful then others.

3 2
Pattern 1, 2, & 3 are my original patterns. These are my worst ones. I wasn't sured exactly what we were supposed to do at first. However as bad as they may be, the overall shape of the patterns really helped me to create my other ones.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Orange zoom views

This is my 4x zoom view of my orange. I really wanted to show how the slices look together and close up.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Detail 3

This is one of the things in the studio not sure what it is, but it looked cool.

Detail 2

This is one my wardrobe where the two doors come together. I thought it was a really interesting composition. It was really challenging for me to get the knobs right.

Detail 1

This is one of my first details. It is the piece that joins the dividers in the studio. I really though it was interesting, especially where the notches stick out. Also at the time I was drawing it, since the notches are set back a little from the rest of the piece it created it's own shadows. I'm happy with this drawing. I sometimes struggle with shading but, I enjoyed drawing this.

Sustainable system

For my Sustainable System I decided to make an Xylophone. I knew what one looked like, however I had no idea how to make one, or how the pieces made the different sounds. I did some research and found out that xylophones have little groves/wedges on the side of them, this along with the different thickness of the wooden pieces help to make different wooden sounds. I really enjoyed working in the wood shop, I got to learn how to use a couple of the machines. I used to be scared to work there not, because of the machinery but because I hate asking for help, so I always felt a little intimated. However, I was proven wrong, tons of people ask for help and there and I'm just one of them. I can't wait to work with wood more. One thing I would change about my project is how interesting it is. Unless you know what it is and that it makes a sound it looks like a really easy boring project, so I would have made it look a little more interesting.