For my Sustainable System I decided to make an Xylophone. I knew what one looked like, however I had no idea how to make one, or how the pieces made the different sounds. I did some research and found out that xylophones have little groves/wedges on the side of them, this along with the different thickness of the wooden pieces help to make different wooden sounds. I really enjoyed working in the wood shop, I got to learn how to use a couple of the machines. I used to be scared to work there not, because of the machinery but because I hate asking for help, so I always felt a little intimated. However, I was proven wrong, tons of people ask for help and there and I'm just one of them. I can't wait to work with wood more. One thing I would change about my project is how interesting it is. Unless you know what it is and that it makes a sound it looks like a really easy boring project, so I would have made it look a little more interesting.
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