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Sunday, September 21, 2008


This is my group's logo.

Print Material: We would print all our material out of Grow a note paper, which is a paper that when planted and watered grows a plant. The calender would be made out of this, also flyers with our logo on one side.
http:// we decided we would video tape all our events happening and put them on you tube, and there would be a link to the community by design page.

Products: We would have calenders, umbrellas, soap, and possibly trail mix all with our logo on it.
Places: We would wrap the bus shelter's and bus depot in paper, with our logo on it.

We decided we would have an event called “Hands Across Greensboro.” Anyone would be welcomed to come and join hands from the bus stop to the bus depot. This would show how design in our community is impacting everyone from everywhere.