One of the first projects for my Professional Practice class was to come up with a resume, cover letter, and portfolio "preview" for ourselves. We were to address the cover letter to our professor explaining what type of position we would want to have in the Mock Firms for his third year studio. I started to play a little bit with my initials to see what I could do with the letters "C" and "D" to come up with a logo. I decided on a universal shape and then started playing with colors.
This is an example of my Resume. The top logo is my initial logo for my name with the colors orange and Grey. I then added some lines to each side of the "C" shape and changed the color from Orange to Purple for my cover letter. I found by doing this and using the neutral color of grey that I could easily change the accent color as time goes on. For now though, I think I'll stick to purple.
Next is my Portfolio Preview. I took the same concept as my cover letter and reused the three striped lines. I think played with layout and size of the images. Not sure I'm totally ok with it yet.
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