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Sunday, September 13, 2009


top view 
left side 
front view 
This week for my revisioning retail class we were to come up with 3 final ideas for a time piece in our retail space.  Keeping in mind our concept that was given to us and what we had already designed for the store.  The above one is a solution I came up with for my checkout desk.  It would be a series of transparent cubes measuring 6" x 6"x 6" and each one would have a light bulb in them.  Depending on what time it was the cubes in the first row would transform and push out.  Each cube would have a light in them and only the ones pushed forward displaying the time would be lit red.  When not pushed out the cube would be white just like all the other ones.  Kind of like a giant rubics cube.
view looking up 
side views
Second idea would be installed on the ceiling and lighted up tiles would display the time.
front view 
top view 
This wardrobe is already in my space and it would display the time on one of them at a time.  However the location of the time would change every min.