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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

let's learn about Christyn!

Hello All,
   I've recently discovered that I have had a blog for 3 years and that the information I've given out about myself is very minimal.  So here is kind of my life story.  I was born in Carlisle PA on Nov. 14,1988.  I was blessed enough to be brought up in a wonderful home and I have awesome parents!  My best friend is pretty much my mom.  I attended the Big Spring school district all 12 years of school!  Then I moved down here to Greensboro NC specifically to attend the Interior Architecture program.  However, after living here for 3 years and having the chance to explore some of NC I've fallen in love with the south.  The pace of living is a lot slower down here.  There's an appreciation for family and simple living.  I was a cheerleader for about 9 years, I was also a part of numerous musicals and plays back home, and was in honors choir, and county chorus for multiple years.  One of the major things that has happened in my life that has changed the way I look at the world, especially disabled people, is a car accident.  On July 3 2007 not even a month after I graduated high school I was in a fatal car accident.  I was hit head on by a drunk driver who had a .28 alcohol level.  The woman driving that car was killed instantly and I was left with multiple injuries.  I was life lined to Hershey Medical center where they pretty much saved my life.  After all was said and done I ended up in ICU for a week and then spent 3 more weeks in the hospital.  I shattered my right tibia, left talus, left femur, and right wrist.  Due to this I started my freshman year of college in a dif. state and in a wheel chair.  I spent 5 months in that wheel chair and close to a  year in physical therapy.  The experience has taught me a lot about living.  I've discovered that you shouldn't take anything for granted.  If you can run, run!  If you can dance, dance!  Do anything you want to do now because you never know what you'll be able to do next week.


amy said...
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allisynmiller said...

Hey Christyn,
I think it's great you are telling us a little more about your past. I like the conversational style of your writing there. I think your site is very organized. The only things I can think of to add more personality is incorporating your own sketches into the design or title box, to avoid the template look, but I think most of us need to do that!
Good Job,

Brooke Elliott -- said...

I really enjoy you incorporating in information about your past! But I think that you would make it even m ore personal if could personalize your template a little more. Maybe finding some colors that express your personality?
Awesome work!

Miss. D. Therapy said...

hello...the bio is great but i would do as susan suggested and date it for the begining of the blog and do a label for it so al you have to do it click on it and there it is, gives it a webpage look. A little more contrasting text would be nice and I feel like you title of the blog need to be a bit bolder, and say something about your work , or you, or even the things you like.I my self am going to make an attempt to change my title graphics up once or twice a month, an idea susanne stated and seems to be a good one.