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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Salvation Army Select

Well, all of the hard work has paid off.  My retail studio has been working on a very cool, very rewarding project this semester.  I have to say for the first time I have really enjoyed 100% my studio.  I've worked for years with Habitat for Humantiy, Katrina Relief, etc. and I love doing projects that allow me to give back to the community.  Salvation Army Select was that kind of project and I LOVED it!!!  My studio helped in the final construction of the store as well as designing displays, the dressing room, and merchandising. 

Dressing Room

Dressing Room Lights....this was a long pain in the butt process to find a perfect light

Dressing Room doors

Men's end Display

Men's Jewelry Case

Women's Jewelry Display

What it looked like originally

What it looks like now



Women's Window Display:  The dress is made out of paper red sheilds.