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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Be Inspired!

Our project this week was to dream BIG!  We are continuing our research for the Salvation Army Select store and how we can make this store truly one of kind.  We were to find inspiration wherever we could.  "compose a symphony, sim the english channel, see a movie, fly the friendly skies" etc.  I wasn't looking for inspiration when I decided to watch the movie PS I love you on sat. afternoon.  However it was in this movie that I found inspiration in the lost and hurt soul of Hillary Swank's character Holly.  This movie is filled with laughter, heartbreak, and romance.  The scenery of the movie as well as the style of the characters in the movie is very Chique with a little bit of rocker in it.  I thought that these two styles my be completly opposite in the fashion world but they actually fit together very well.  This is important to look at when designing the Salvation Army Select store since we will be getting donations of all sort of styles.  That may be a challenge for us as designers in how do we arrange all these different styles and sizes to be cohesive with the store and really carry on the boutique sort of image.  I found a number of images that sum up my inpiration from the PS I love you movie and how that could be transformed into a store.


allisynmiller said...

I love that movie for the scenery as well. It's just gorgeous. I like your cohesive collection of inspiring images. It's be cool to apply this to the store...